Pit & Fissure Sealants
What is Pit & Fissure?
Teeth have natural dips or grooves in them, known as pits and fissures. These are places where most food particles get stuck. So, when it comes to keeping your children’s teeth clean and free of cavities, protecting pits and fissures is of importance.
What is a Pit & Fissure Sealant?
Sealants are dental materials used to seal natural pits and fissures of the tooth; like glass ionomer cement or composite resin. Research shows that these substances are not only effective in preventing cavities; they’re also safe to place in a child’s mouth. The sealants form a mechanical barrier that prevents bacteria from entering the grooves and considerably reduces the likelihood of developing cavities.
One year after the sealants have been put in place, a child is 80% less likely to get a cavity. After two years they are 70% less likely to have a cavity, compared to children who do not have fissure sealants.
Who needs fissure sealants?
They’re recommended for filling the molars of kids with a high risk of tooth decay, such as those who have already had a couple of dental cavities filled and those who lack fluoride in their drinking water.
Recently erupted permanent teeth and those with grooves that are particularly deep or narrow, are most likely to benefit from fissure sealants.
Which kids do not need fissure sealants?
Teeth that are still breaking through the gums into the mouth should not be sealed, nor should teeth that have already developed cavities.
If a child’s permanent tooth has been in place for more than 4 years and hasn’t experienced decay, chances are it won’t need to be sealed. Your dentist can advise you on whether your child has the type of teeth which will benefit from being sealed.